PCR-Campylobacter Detection Kit

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Campylobacter Detection Kit.


PCR-Campylobacter Detection kit is an ideal tool for a specific, rapid, and reliable detection of thermophilic Campylobacter (C. jejuni, C. coli, C. upsaliensis and C. lari) from food and environmental samples by real time PCR. The Kit includes all reagents required in a comfortable ready-to-use PCR MasterMix. The optimized MasterMix contains a Buffer, dNTPs, Hot-start DNA Polymerase, DNA-free water, mgCl2 and an Internal Amplification Control (IAC) whose detection indicates the absence of PCR inhibitors. Primers and Probes for the amplification of IAC as well as for the amplification of the target gene are included in the MasterMix. The probe for the detection of target gene is labelled with the FAM, whereas the probe for the detection of IAC is labelled with the JOE fluorochrome. In addition, the kit includes both Positive Control and Negative Control. The Positive control is supplied to demonstrate that the PCR amplification is working efficiently with the supplied components. To confirm absence of contamination, a Negative control reaction should be included every time the kit is used. Include DNAready Lysis Buffer to extract the DNA from the sample prior to PCR Detection.

Applications: An ideal tool for an specific, rapid, and reliable detection of thermophilic Campylobacter (C. jejuni, C. coli, C. upsaliensis and C. lari) from food and environmental samples by real time PCR.

Sample Typ:e Food and environmental samples

Alternate Name: Campylobacter Kit, Campylobacter PCR Detection Kit, Campylobacter Assay Kit, Campylobacter Detection, Campylobacter Detection Kit, Thermophilic Campylobacter PCR Assay, Thermophilic Campylobacter Assay Kit

Features and Benefits:

Amplification limit of one copy per reaction, Easy interpretation of the results from the amplification curves., Highly conserved target genes, reduce false negative results, Easy and Ready-to-use Kit., The greatest exclusivity / inclusivity in the market for thermophilic Campylobacter species (C. jejuni, C. coli, C. upsaliensis and C. lari)., Without the need to use tedious conventional isolation and identification techniques., Reliable and highly specific Results., Internally validated with a wide variety of food samples., Reliable results in c.a. 48 hours, including the enrichment step.

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Additional Information

96 Rxns
Storage Conditions:
Shipping Conditions:
Dry Ice
Shelf life:
12 months
Detection Method:
Real time PCR
Detection Kits
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