
Common genetic substrates of alcohol and substance use disorder severity revealed by pleiotropy detection against GWAS catalog in two populations.
Alcohol and other substance use disorders (AUD and SUD) is a complex disease that postulates have a polygenic inheritance and frequent comorbidity with other disorders. The comorbidity may arise partly through genetic pleiotropy. Identification of specific gene variants accounting for most of the variance in this disorder have yet to be achieved. We describe a flexible strategy that takes a variant properties association data base […]

Catalog of NIMS creep data sheets.
Background NIMS Creep Data Sheet Project, together with the preliminary studies and facilities, material selection, and testing methods, are summarized. The results of the project are described, focusing on the long-term creep strength steel and austenitic ferritic heat resistant. In some cases, the slope of the curve of stress versus time-to-rupture in the long run is different from that in the short term in a […]

A Catalog of Microbial Genes From the Bovine Rumen Unveils a Specialized and Diverse Biomass-Degrading Environment
Background: rumen microbiota provide essential services to host and, through its role in the production of ruminant livestock, contributing to food security and human nutrition. A thorough knowledge of the genetic potential of rumen microbes will provide an opportunity to improve the sustainability of ruminant livestock production systems. Availability catalog reference genes from the gut microbiomes has advanced the understanding of the role of microbiota […]
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